Job Hunt

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Liberal Arts Colleges
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Women in Probability

AY2025-26 Academic Job Postings in Probability

Here are some job postings for the 2025-26 academic year aimed at probability hires. If you would like for your position to be advertised here or distributed to our mailing list, please contact us. Click on each posting for more information.

University of Ottawa, postdoc
University of British Columbia, tenure track
University of British Columbia, postdoc
University of Chicago, full professor
University of Waterloo, postdoc(s)
University of Colorado at Boulder, tenure track
University of Florida, tenure track
Texas State University, tenure track
University of Toronto, tenure track
BOKU University (Vienna), tenure track

Job Application Materials

Navigating the job market can be stressful. Here is a brief rundown of what you need and what you need to do. A great resource for job-seekers is the AMS Job Hunt page. It includes much more detailed information than we cover here.


Academic jobs require several standard items. Click on each title for more information. Account
Curriculum vitae
Research Statement
Teaching Statement
Cover Letter
Publication List
Personal Website

Academic jobs will require 3-5 letters of recommendation, 1-2 of which address teaching. One should be from your thesis advisor, and another from your postdoctoral advisor, if you are in a postdoctoral position; the remaining letters should be from people who have had an opportunity to examine your work. Your teaching letter should be from a faculty member who observes your class. Make sure to

For your teaching letter, you should consider asking someone to observe your teaching in the Spring semester before you go on the job market or at the latest, early in the Fall semester of your final year.

When making your list of schools to which you will apply, spend some time thinking about the faculty at the various institutions. If you know anyone there or if there are people whose work aligns with yours, you should contact them. Say that you are applying for a job at their institution and mention briefly your research interests and how they might mesh. There are many applicants for each position in general, and small touches like this can help your application stand out.

Increasingly, universities and colleges are requiring submission of applications through institution-specific web portals. There are now (paid) services like Dossier Deliver (by interfolio from Elsevier) that can help you manage your application materials, including centralized confidential upload of letters of recommendation.

Online Profile

Your website is the basis of your profile on the web. Prospective employers will use this to look at your academic and job materials. These days,

you must have a website, even if you are not looking for a new job.

Your university will usually host a page for you, or you can choose to use something like Google Sites. Free templates are easily available (for example Free CSS Templates), or you can simply “steal” the code from a page that you like. Of course, in the latter case, one should attribute the source.

Academic pages for researchers on the market have a fairly standard format.

Main Page
Research Page
Teaching Page

You should also include in your webpage some tracking / analytical cookies. This will help you gauge interest by seeing from where traffic comes. Google Analytics is a free, simple to use system that gives great data.

You should make sure to post any preprints ready for publication to the ArXiv. Some people also choose to add to their online profile by maintaining portfolios on ResearchGate or LinkedIn. If you choose to start a portfolio in one of these online venues, you should make sure that you keep it updated!

Liberal Arts Colleges

If you are applying to liberal arts jobs, you should have more data available to make a case for your teaching prowess. You should craft a teaching portfolio including

Teaching Evaluations

Outside Resources and Job Lists

There are several websites dedicated to helping you navigate the job search and to providing lists of jobs in the mathematical sciences.